Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics

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The journal is included in

The journal has been included into the List of periodic scientific and technical publications of the Russian Federation, recommended for doctoral thesis publications of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles at the Ministry of Science and Higer Education of Russian Federation in the following specialties:

01.02.01 - Theoretical mechanics,

01.02.04 - Mechanics of a deformable solid body,

01.02.06 - Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and Instruments,

04.01.02 - Theoretical Physics, 04.01.03 - Radio Physics,

04.01.04 - Physical Electronics, 04.01.05 - Optics,

04.01.08 - Plasma Physics,

04.01.10 - Semiconductor Physics,

01.04.21 - Laser Physics, 03.01.02 - Biophysics